UNISCOTT INVESTMENTS (Private) Limited was incorporated under the Zimbabwe Laws on the 18th of JULY 2006 , switchgears, HIGH VOLTAGE line materials, electrical and electronic accessories, engineering equipment, building materials, plumbing materials, tools, and general hardware.


a) To determine the needs and wants of target markets in delivering the desired satisfaction more effectively and efficiently
b) To demonstrate business potential
c) To increase profitability in each subsequent year.
d) To diversify forward

To provide an efficient and customer service to the commercial sector.
In our endeavor to realize our mission statement , our operations are guided by the following principles and values:-
(a) Achievement of customer care satisfaction
(b) Customer is king concept .
(c) Honesty .
(d) Sound debt collection .
(e) Paying of creditors in time .
(f) Efficient deliveries .
(g) Credit facilities .

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